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Managed services versus traditional outsourcing in the Leasing Industry

In traditional outsourcing, leasing companies had to define and evaluate outsourceable processes in-house. Those processes were then taken over by an outsourcing partner, but their initial setup is often time-consuming. Managed services, instead, arose from inefficiencies, where the provider is now to directly advise on, evaluate, overtake and automate the processes in certain areas of leasing companies. The new approach brings advantages, such as:  
·    Less resources to be attributed by the leasing companies to identify processes
·    Higher costs savings due to lower personnel costs and higher efficiency
·    Less transition time as processes can be implemented in a fraction of the time.

The current macroeconomic environment uncovers inefficiency at a high speed, therefore utilizing the advantages of managed services can protect your margins almost instantly and going forward.
Moreover, your top line might shrink when overall market demand declines. Product innovation and skilled workforce retention support higher-than-market growth. With managed services, leasing companies can put their in-house focus on driving innovation and obtain skilled and remote workforce via their managed service provider.

Our solutions to drive efficiency:
AxFina operates and manages multiple EU leasing entities. We go beyond traditional outsourcing, providing managed services from assessment to operational takeover and automatization of your processes.
Our capabilities include:
·   Receivables management
·   Inbound / - outbound contact center
·   Compliance / KYC / AM
·  Accounting & Reporting

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